Frequently Asked Questions

Plan Managers assist NDIS participants in managing their finances – a plan manager will manage your funding, pay invoices on your behalf, and conduct other miscellaneous tasks related to the upkeep of your NDIS plan. Participants benefit greatly from the work that plan managers do, they can increase your financial and management skills, increase your choice of providers, and help put a budget into place.
Here at Xlerate, we combine our teams strong understanding of financial wellbeing and management to provide the best and most trustworthy plan management services. With a singular focus on providing exceptional management of our participants’ funding, you can trust we will act with your best interests at the centre of our approach.
It’s Simple, If you want to work with Plan Managers that have a vast background in financial management, accounting, and budgeting – contact us today or fill in the Participant Signup Form and one of our plan managers will contact you to discuss your options.

Being plan managed means no out of pocket expense to you.

When you request to be Plan managed in your planning meeting the NDIA Planner or LAC will include an Improved Life Choices budget in your plan, in addition to your other budgets. This includes the initial one-off cost (per plan) of getting you set up in our system and on the NDIS portal, supporting you as you transition to plan management, as well as our flat rate monthly fees.

Xlerate has a demonstrated history of prompt processing of invoices. Payments are generally processed within two days from the receipt of funds from NDIS.
You have the right under NDIS legislation to change your provider for any reason. These decisions directly affect your life so changing to a provider that cares about your circumstances more can be extremely beneficial. The team at Xlerate will support you changing providers and ensuring your plan is meeting your needs.